7 things not to miss at the 2018 Manchester Half
With over 14,000 runners signed up to the 2018 Manchester Half, it’s set to be the biggest event yet! Here are 7 things you don’t want to miss at the Manchester Half:
1. Join in the fun
Each event pack includes #MCRHalf transfers for you to decorate yourself with and celebrate being a part of this awesome event. Put them on your face, hands, arms and legs, wherever takes your fancy.
Get creative, take plenty of pictures and don’t forget to post on social media using the hashtag #MCRHalf so we can see! We’ll be giving the best a like and a share ????
2. Go after that time
Want to achieve that all important finish time and stay on schedule to hit those mile markers?
Our pacing team will help to keep you on track. Look out for them at the relevant start areas, easily identified by a flag showing the time they are pacing and a backpack. Stick with them throughout your run to hit your goal!
Find out more about our fantastic pacing team here.
3. Where’s Manny?
With thousands of people taking to the roads and lining the streets in support, you’d be forgiven for thinking it will be hard to spot our friendly mascot, Manny the Bee. Rest assured he likes to be centre of attention and will stand out like a… giant bee!
You’ll see him everywhere supporting our runners and larking around with our spectators of course. If you get a glimpse give him a shout out, you may even be lucky enough to get a photo opportunity with him so have your camera at the ready.
4. Don’t bin it, recycle it!
When you’re ready to shed those extra layers you don’t want to keep, look out for Cancer Research UK clothing donation stations. Drop your unwanted clothing in the special zones positioned at the start to help keep the roads clear, plus you’ll be doing your bit to help Cancer Research UK in their fight to beat cancer sooner.
Also new for 2018 are drop zones and target bins around our water stations, making sure we can do everything possible to recycle, and keep our local community litter free.
5. Angels?
Not exactly sent from heaven but for some it may feel like it!
Yes, we are super excited to have the Race Angels back for this year’s event. Race Angels will run alongside you for a short time if you are in need of a boost of motivation and support to help you to the finish line.
They will be wearing bright orange tops and will be positioned around mile 11. If you spot them, give them a cheer and a high five!
6. No shortage of support
The Manchester Half is a spectacular event with amazing Mancunian support around the entire route to help you on your journey to the finish.
From live bands to charity cheer points, there will be plenty of entertainment to keep you motivated and for your spectators to enjoy too!
Our special cheer zones around the route will give you that all important lift you need to keep going. Check out our interactive map to find out where they will be on the day.
7. At the finish
You made it, congratulations!! Now you can relax, and if you’re feeling a tiny bit stiff and sore at the finish, look out for Altius who will be offering soothing post run massages to boost your circulation and loosen any tight aching muscles you have.
Just be ready with a donation and enjoy a little lie down while they do all the work.
Here’s to all those taking part, wishing you all a fantastic day and some wonderful memories to take back home.