To ensure you have the best experience, we’ve laid out some travel advice to provide both you and your supporters are prepared for the event on Sunday 13th October 2024.


  • Continue to check the Transport for Greater Manchester website and their social media for the latest updates on the event weekend.
  • You might also want to check out the dedicated Manchester Half on the TfGM website available in September.
  • Plan your journey well in advance and leave plenty of spare time for any queues both in your journey and also for when you arrive in the event village (at bag drop, toilets etc).
  • If you are early for your wave’s dedicated arrival time, please don’t attempt to enter the start process, unless called to do so.
  • If you miss your arrival time, it’s likely you will still be able to start with a later wave, but please do everything possible to arrive at your allocated time.
  • For disabled parking, use the link within the 'CAR' tab below.


If this is your first race or you’re unfamiliar with the area we understand that you might have a lot of questions.

Most key questions and common queries are answered in our Participant Guide which will be sent closer to the event date, or you’ll likely find what you need from the relevant pages on our website.

If you have any remaining questions, please visit our HELP CENTRE