Tommy’s Manchester Research Centre

Over 2,700 babies are stillborn every year

Tommy’s Manchester Centre is the only stillbirth research centre in the UK and is leading the way on how to reduce stillbirth further.

The centre is focused on:

• Understanding the causes of stillbirth

• Preventing stillbirths by finding ways to tell who is at risk

• Developing guidance on maternity care for health professionals and to reduce the risk of stillbirth

The centre has a network of five research clinics. Patients are recruited to participate in clinical studies to improve understanding of stillbirth and the main causes of still birth: fetal growth, hypertension and diabetes.

Their research has a direct, tangible, life-saving benefit: Since 2010 our research centre has reduced the stillbirth rate in the Greater Manchester area by 32%

Around half of stillbirths are due to problems with the placenta, with fetal growth restriction one of the leading causes of stillbirth. The Tommy’s Placenta Clinic was opened in Manchester and combines antenatal care for pregnancies affected by fetal growth restriction with frontline research into why the condition occurs and how it might be treated.

The Rainbow Clinic was established to provide specialised care and support for parents who have suffered a stillbirth or neonatal death. Run by Professor Alex Heazell, the clinic has been so successful that we have now opened a second Rainbow Clinic in Wythenshawe Hospital in South Manchester. This has enabled us to increase the number of families who can access the Rainbow Clinic by 30%.

All the funds raised through the Team Tommy’s heroes at the Manchester Half Marathon will be invested directly into the Manchester Research Centre. Join Team Tommy’s now and help fund vital research that will help more families in the Manchester area and the UK have happy healthy babies.

For more information about the Manchester Centre please visit the website here.


Make your Tommy’s Manchester Half count and fundraise for your local Tommy’s Centre, start fundraising today.