Meet David, your 01:30 pacer

Name: David Maxted

Age: 28

Number of marathons completed: Too many half marathons to remember and 5 marathons

Number of marathons paced: 4 half marathons

When did you decide to become a marathon pacer and what prompted you to take on this important role?

I first started pacing in 2018 and loved being able to help people to achieve their goals. Since then, I’ve been lucky enough to pace a number of great races including the Manchester Half!

How do you prepare for marathon pacing? For example, do you have to train as the other participants do?

My prep for pacing is the exact same as for any race; I start training early, building up to the full distance and then get nervous the night before like any other race!

What are some of the ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ you have experienced in the role?

The obvious high is when you get to see people celebrating as they cross the line having achieved what they were aiming for. You also get amazing support from the crowd the whole race – especially in Manchester where the support is phenomenal. In terms of lows, bar an angry driver wanting to get on the course, the worst is when people fall behind the pacing group as we want everyone to reach their goals.

Have you met any interesting people along the way?

I always chat with the people I’m pacing and love to hear their reasons for running. Hearing about and seeing people doing amazing things, such as raising money for charity, is also really uplifting. I also always feel excited for people running their first race as they are certain to get a PB as long as they finish – nothing beats your first race!

Do you feel any pressure being a pacer? If so, how do you manage that?

Yes and I’d struggle to believe anyone who said they didn’t feel the pressure! Luckily racing is brilliant as pressure can turn into adrenaline which just makes running feel easier on the day!

How do you take care of your body, so that you are fit to run so many marathons?

I try to be consistent with my training; avoid doing too much too soon; and attempt to do strength training to prevent injuries.

What is your one piece of advice for someone who’s marathon target time is the one you are pacing at the Manchester Half?

Put the training in and then go for it! If you’ve put the training in then you can feel confident and I’ll do what I can to help you achieve your goal.

What is your experience of the Manchester Half Marathon specifically?

You couldn’t pick a better course to get a PB with it being so flat! The support is also always incredible and you’re unlikely to overheat with the cloud cover ha!…

When the hard work is over, what’s the best way to celebrate after an event in Manchester?

Always beer and chocolate for me!