Join our New Team of Runners

Applications now open


Taking on the Manchester Marathon or Half Marathon is a serious commitment. We love following your journeys on social media, and are constantly amazed by the standard of some of the content our followers share to inform and inspire others.

Therefore this year we are launching the new Jog Division, a team of people training for Sunday 10th October, and keen to share their experiences with others. Think you’re the Queen of Content, or the King of the Road? Then we want you to apply!

You don’t need to be the fastest or most experienced, just want to share regular honest content with over 30,000 others taking on the same challenge. We’ll be picking a small group of people, and regularly featuring their posts on our website, social channels and email updates.

To help the Jog Division on their journey we will be sending special gifts, and providing the odd treat.

Take a moment to apply below by Monday 26th April.

Jog Division